Friday, July 10, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Tonight is Girls' Night In. My daughter is anxious to spend time with me, so who am I to argue? ( I always want to spend time with her-our stars must be aligned). I am NOT a hair and nails gal, much preferring a hike in the woods or digging in the garden to a manicure. All the same, she keeps trying to convert me. Since she acquiesces and rides bikes with me, I will pull out the cucumbers and prepare the yogurt facials.

We do find common ground when it comes to movie selection. (Oh yeah - we also agree on home-popped popcorn with real butter drizzled over the top. No microwave crap in this household!) Mindless B-comedies tend to be our top choice...especially if Adam Sandler has his fingers in the pie. Left up to her, we would watch "50 First Dates" every Friday. I gravitate toward "The Wedding Singer" myself, but they both have Drew Barrymore as an added bonus. So I'm good.

Seriously sappy chick flicks also get decent air time. We've seen every film with Kate Hudson in it, especially if it involves angst over a guy that is her best friend, but unattainable, then they fall in love-yaddda yadda yadda. Fifteen-year-olds love romance, so do I. We all should practice romance on a daily's good for the soul.

Period films never used to make our short list - not for lack of trying.
That is, until the "Twilight" series was published. (Yes, the vampire love story books/movies...have you been living under a rock?) I owe a debt of gratitude to Stephanie Meyers for opening my daughter eyes to the magic of Shakespeare!! Never saw it coming. Hit me like a freight train and before I knew it, we both had the same movie at the top of our list.

Had I rented Zeffirelli 's "Romeo and Juliette" - arguable one of the best movies every made - she would have watched 10 minutes, made a face and quietly slipped out to check her Facebook account. Admittedly, I probably wouldn't have noticed as I would have been mesmerized by the beautiful language. However, since Bella (would-be-bloodsucker with a serious chip on her shoulder) read Shakespeare, she and her friends have now opened their minds and expanded their vocabularies!
Iambic pentameter soliloquies waft through my home like music on the breeze.
- SIGH! - O, speak again, bright angel!

Until recently, I didn't have much respect for that Bella character-too whiny, too needy- now I worship her as a goddess of literature, truly inspirational. Believe it or not, they even started to read Wuthering Heights, decided to put it down and try the movie, then came to the very mature decision both were too damned depressing - good call. Although the Bronte sisters have filled many a quiet evening for me, they are an acquired taste. I'll give her 5 years and try again.

So, this evening I go out on a limb....I think Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility" will be a palatable compromise - comedy, romance, silliness, and another actress named Kate . I'll tell her that this was Alice's favorite author (a "real" vampire with an awesomely cool ability to see the ever-changing future) to see if I can spark her interest.

Should my choice not pan out, I'll keep "The Princess Bride" in reserve. Always dependable.

P.S.-My son recommends skipping the film portion of the evening, instead reading aloud excerpts from "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". He assures me it was a successful attempt at introducing classics to the masses.
I have my doubts.

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